Balsam Hill Christmas Tree - 7

My First Christmas Tree

This may seem odd but I have never actually owned a Christmas tree before this year or had one in my house over the holiday period as I rarely have people over – it’s just been easier for me to visit everyone else.

This year though I wanted to bring Christmas home, and also bring the homemade into Christmas.

I therefore set about tracking down a good quality tree that I thought would fit the bill (and last me a few years to boot).

Much web searching and comparing brought me to Balsam Hill. I hadn’t heard of this company so I did a good amount of reading and browsing of their website (and did a google search to check other user’s comments) and satisfied myself that I was going to get value for money as well as a good looking tree that would suit my needs for years to come.

I really liked the look of their European style trees and thought that the pre-lit version would also help me avoid the Christmas light tangle that I have seen other people get so worked up over.

My choice, the Norway Spruce (which was on sale – ever the bargain finder), went in and less than a week later it arrived!

Balsam Hill Christmas Tree - 1

I’m not sure about this, but I do think that I got a little more excited about opening this box than I do just before opening Christmas gifts.

Popping my giddy inner-self to one side I opened the box.

The first thing that I could see was that it had been well packed. On further investigation I found that there were comprehensive instructions, gloves to protect my delicate hands (don’t laugh) during construction and also a bag of spare bulbs and other bits and bobs.

Balsam Hill Christmas Tree - 2

They even sent a free body bag for when those Christmas disagreements go a little to far.

Balsam Hill Christmas Tree - 3

Joke! It turned out to be a comfy sleeping bag for the tree to snuggle down in between Christmases. A really nice touch I thought. I didn’t recall reading about this bonus on the Balsam Hill website so that was a nice surprise.

Anyway, onwards and upwards.

Assembly steps were quite easy. The instructions explained it all well in simple English (good thing for me).

The tree that I chose came in four sections; the base and three tree parts (no partridge, which was understandable as this was not a pear tree).

Each part was handily numbered.

Balsam Hill Christmas Tree - 4

It was simply a case of starting at the bottom, inserting the sections and “fluffing” as you go.

Even the pre-installed lights were set in place and simply needed connecting together.

Here’s a before and after of not-fluffed and fluffed for the base and first section.

Balsam Hill Christmas Tree - 5 Balsam Hill Christmas Tree - 6

It’s a bit like my moustache before I go to bed and then when I wake up, lol!

Anyway, I carried on adding and fluffing until … paff, done!

Balsam Hill Christmas Tree - 7

*puts on sunglasses*

I didn’t actually realise how generous Balsam Hill were with the pre-installed lights! Even in the day (with a south facing window) the tree gave a lovely Christmassy glow – *happy sigh*

I honestly didn’t think that I would ever have a tree in my home as it has in the past seemed like a bit of a waste of time/space but I am so pleased that I have gone for it and now that I have it, I am over the moon and even thinking of inviting some people over too (get me being all sociable and stuff, lol)!

Anyway, I think that I still have a little more fluffing to do before the job is completely done however it’s time for a cuppa first. I’d also better get crafting as I’ve got a lot of tree to decorate!

I’m aiming for 100% handmade (however time is getting short) so I think I may end up with ‘mostly’ handmade, lol! – I’m hoping (time permitting) to be blogging about these various things like handmade gifts and handmade decs in the run up to Christmas.

What about you? Be honest, how long have you had your tree up? Have you handmade your decs and cards? I bet there’ll be some of us still at it on Christmas Eve ;)

Anyway, that’s it for this one. No making (apart from the tree) but there is much to come :)

Thank you for visiting and I hope you can stop by again for the next post.

J :)

35 thoughts on “My First Christmas Tree

  1. Just doing a pop-up tree this year as we’re away for Christmas and into New Year and it just doesn’t seem right to take it down in the middle of January. Your tree looks fab – takes me back to when I had my first tree in the USA – My friend gave me one from her farm, and I had no money for proper decorations so I made popcorn and cranberry strings instead of tinsel, homemade biscuits with little holes and red ribbon as decorations, and paper fans printed with musical script and aged with tea. Hope you post another photo with your home-made decorations! Susan


  2. That’s a beautiful tree John & I think the free body bag is inspired! (btw, turns out I do have an account, hence this post lol!) Merry Christmas xx


  3. Superb tree John, my tip to make it easier in the following years, if you have been Mr Efficient and pulled off those number tags, be sure to use a permanent pen somewhere out of sight to number the sections as you take them down.

    A few lengths of twill tape help ‘encourage’ fluffed trees into the intended storage. We found ours played much nicer when it was pinned down with the twill tape and you can do it carefully rather than mash it in which risks damaging lights. They can be a bit like Lego models, they seem to grow once out of the bag and you struggle to make them go back in the same small space.

    Not decorating this year, I’m in-between; can’t face any of it and I love my little tree (a table top 12″er. and its lights. Noticed a neighbour had lit star in her window and that lovely pretty glow they give off, made me want my tree out. have got as far as one small box out of the loft and still looking at it. As someone commented ‘If you are going to feel crap anyway, have some pretty lights to keep you company’.

    I used Tim Holtz alcohol ink on plain gold or silver baubles (depending on your colour scheme) and pounced the ink on like when you make agate effect. If you want shiny shiny add a layer of acrylic at the end. Here’s how to make alcoholic baubles

    Wishing you a fantastic time creating and celebrating



  4. Congratulations on your tree John.

    My three are now up and running, though one of them did decide to throw the spanner in the works when the little white thing blew. Luckily I had a spare, but as they are now over five years old I will have to invest in another set next year.

    Just to add insult to injury, my craft light also decided to chuck the sponge in. Hahaha, what it didn’t realise was that I had a spare bulb, have ordered two more, that’ll teach it!


  5. Congratulations on your first tree John, you chose well and I hope it brings you years of joy. Really looking forward to some new ideas from you – to add to my decorations.

    I really love the Scandinavian and country style decorations in my home. I make so many tree and hanging strings of decorations and mobiles each year and have far too many now for my small bungalow – perhaps I should start thinking of selling some new copies of my decoration and even think up some new designs. Proceeds could fund a lovely new tree like yours!
    Pat GH


  6. Lovely tree, John. We have five, the main one is dressed traditionally with decorations bought from the “General Store” Covent Garden, which has since disappeared. I love Christmas and all that goes with it except the over spending and getting into debt, which we don’t do. Sadly, folk have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. Sharing, kindness, good will & love to each other, and the fact that its Jesus’ birthday. We now have five trees which each member of my loving family are responsible for. Due to my disability I cannot do mine this year but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching my Hubby, Daughter & two Sons demonstrate there creative skills.
    John, enjoy your beautiful tree, may it’s presence bless you for many years to come. Evergreen means everlasting. Have a wonderful Christmas. See you in the new year, rearing to go with fab new ideas. God bless x


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